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Grzegorz Wieckiewicz"I moved to Scotland together with my partner over a decade ago and fell for this country making it my home.

I have been cycling since the age of 13 - passing a course for under-aged road cycling at my local police station.

I have experienced cycle touring in several countries (a few of them extensively) and cycling in Scotland has always been one of the best. I find drivers here more easygoing and patient than in some other countries.

As a regular commuter, I have daily 30+ miles (Monday to Friday) rides and it was during one of these that I was hit by a car.

The driver didn't stop before entering a roundabout as I was making my way through it. It was rush hour early one morning in December and was windy and raining.

I was lucky not to suffer any broken bones and my helmet certainly did it's job! The driver who failed to give way did at least stop, called both the ambulance and police and also admitted full liability for the collision.

I was in hospital for the day and after x-rays, road burns, cuts, dressings and tetanus shots - I was discharged to go home.

The Police brought my bike to my home and took a statement. I had to be off from work for two weeks and I couldn't cycle for some time afterwards.

I had seen Cycle Law Scotland's ad online a few times before and since I'd had no previous experience, I decided to contact them. I picked up the phone, dialed the number and, to be honest, this was the last thing I had to do on my own.

After a short chat with Fiona Richardson, I was put through to speak with Brenda Mitchell. Brenda asked all about me and the accident. She was very to the point about getting all the crucial information - so swiftly, and advised that my partner could take my broken bike for repair and damages estimate the very next day.

I was instructed how to take photos of my injuries and damaged items. Brenda also connected me with two of her colleagues, Carrie Burrows and Jodi Gordon. Both kept me regularly updated and discussed all the decisions with me.

The whole process was only lengthy because the insurer took as long as possible to reply to any contact attempts or offers that the team was making.

Cycle Law Scotland organised two specialist consultations and a professional photo shoot of my scars. All this was done with great respect to me and my time. I was always contacted with plenty of notice regarding setting up appointments.

I also met with Brenda later to discuss all the details and she gave me guidance as to what the next steps would be.

My bike was fixed very quickly and the cheque to cover the damages arrived promptly as well.

I was lucky not to have to attend any extensive physiotherapy - I was OK with just regular NHS - but all the possibilities were discussed with the team and I was offered plenty of options, always feeling that they cared about my recovery.

Throughout the whole process I felt very assured. Cycle Law Scotland guided me "by holding my hand". This was very important; to feel that I could trust someone, that professionals "will take it from here". Every single detail, offer, date or progress - I was always kept informed. Carrie would both email me and call me. I knew I would have to be patient as the claims process can take a while to get full settlement.

Cycle Law Scotland not only got a settlement that was very fair and generous, they also made sure I didn't have to do anything unnecessary. Every aspect of the whole process was always very clearly explained and my only job was to make decisions.

I cannot recommend Cycle Law Scotland enough. The outcome, the professionalism, the feeling of being able to trust and have someone on my side at all times, the interest team took in my well being - all irreplaceable and invaluable.

Grzegorz Wieckiewicz (happily back on two wheels)